The Littleton Independent newspaper traces its beginnings to 1888 when H.V. Bullock started a newspaper in Littleton. The initial newspaper office was on Rapp Street, but it moved to Main Street in 1889. On July 16, 1906, the Littleton Independent newspaper broke ground on its office and printing plant at 2510 W. Main St.
The newspaper acquired an electric Potter printing press for its new building and placed it in the front window for the public to observe press runs. The years in this location embraced the tenure of Edwin. A. Bemis as publisher (1919–1966) and Houston Waring (1926–1990s) as editor. In 1922, Bemis took over the Independent and became president and manager of the State Press Association. Bemis quickly expanded the newspaper as advertising revenues increased. Waring was born in Savanah, Ga., in 1901, and he was described by the Rocky Mountain News as “the epitome of small-town community journalism.” The U.S. State Department featured Waring and the newspaper in a 1951 film, Small Town Editor, which explained the role of newspapers in a democratic society. The Independent remained in this building until 1978, when it moved to 2620 W. Main St.
The Littleton Independent building was incorporated into the Littleton Downtown Historic District as a contributing building on October 26, 2021. It was listed as a contributing building in the Littleton Main Street National Register of Historic Places District on April 8, 1998.
Learn more about the Littleton newspapers here: Littleton Newspapers,, Houston Waring,