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5711 S Nevada Dr. Wells Office DSC_3271_new
5711 S Nevada Dr. Wells Office Rear Crony_new
5711 S Nevada Dr. Wells Office DSC_3271_new 5711 S Nevada Dr. Wells Office Rear Crony_new

The building at 5711 S. Nevada St. contributes to the diversity of the Littleton Main Street Historic District as perhaps the only example of the Art Moderne architectural style in the City. The rounded corners, flat roof, glass block windows, and rounded projecting hood between the first and second story all demonstrate Art Moderne. The original second floor balcony remains on the rear.

In 1959, the building housed the offices of Dr. Richard Wells, a podiatrist, and Dr. P. R. Wagner, an optometrist. Dr. Wells’ office remained here through at least 1965.

The building was determined as “potentially eligible” for the National Register of Historic Places in 1998. It was incorporated into the Littleton Downtown Historic District as a contributing building on October 26, 2021.