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2505 W Alamo Sanford House SE FB Mike Yost_s
2505 W Alamo Sanford House Arch Window FB Mike Yost_s
2505 W Alamo Sanford House stone wall FB Mike Yost_s
2505 W Alamo Sanford House SW FB Mike Yost_s
2505 W Alamo Sanford House DSC_3185_s
2505 W Alamo Sanford House SE FB Mike Yost_s 2505 W Alamo Sanford House Arch Window FB Mike Yost_s 2505 W Alamo Sanford House stone wall FB Mike Yost_s 2505 W Alamo Sanford House SW FB Mike Yost_s 2505 W Alamo Sanford House DSC_3185_s

The Sanford House at 2505 W. Alamo Ave. was constructed with the signature Castle Rock rhyolite featured in famous Littleton landmarks such as the Town Hall, Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Depot, and Richard Little Home. Sources conflict regarding the origin of the Sanford home. Silas Madge claimed to have built the structure and sold it to the Sanford family. However, Albert and Olive Sanford claimed they built the home. The house features a gabled roof, windows with rounded arches, and tooling marks are evident along the windowsills.

While Albert Sanford lived in Littleton, he was actively involved in preserving Littleton’s history, and he served as the curator of the State Historical Society in the 1890s. After the house was sold in the 1920s, the home was converted to commercial property and used by a number of local businesses. At one time, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, it served as the Continental Trailways Station.

The Sanford House was incorporated into the Littleton Downtown Historic District as a contributing building on October 26, 2021.

Learn more about the Sanford family here: Sanford Family,