Colorado Preservation, Inc.
Colorado Preservation, Inc. (CPI) promotes historic preservation statewide by providing advocacy, education, outreach, and preservation services to communities and individuals.

CPI has valuable information on preservation tax credits, runs the Endangered Places program, promotes preservation workshops, and presents the annual Saving Places Conference, the largest historic preservation conference in the country.
CPI’s Resources Page offers dozens of links to preservation organizations and technical information. It is a valuable one-stop shopping site for historic preservation.
Preservation for a Changing Colorado
Great preservation work is happening every day all across Colorado. This site illustrates how historic preservation is making significant contributions to our state and local economies, from higher tax revenue and jobs created to more household income and increased tourist spending. Preservation will continue playing an important role over the next 50 years, helping local communities adapt to trends that will bring significant changes to Colorado.

History Colorado
History Colorado, established in 1879, provides statewide leadership and support in preserving the places that make Colorado unique.

As the State Historic Preservation Office, the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation assists with archaeological permitting, nominations to the National and State Registers, certification of county and municipal preservation programs, approval of federal and state preservation tax credits, and review of the effects of federal projects on historic resources. The office also maintains a database of archaeological and historical resources throughout Colorado.
National Trust for Historic Preservation
For 70 years, the National Trust for Historic Preservation has led the movement to save America’s historic places.

A privately funded nonprofit organization, the trust works to save America’s historic sites, tell the full American story, build stronger communities, and invest in preservation’s future.,
Docomomo US
Docomomo US is dedicated to the preservation of modern architecture, landscape, and design. Through advocacy, education, and documentation, the organization provides leadership and knowledge by

demonstrating the importance of modern design principles, including the social context, technical merits, aesthetics, and settings of these important pieces of American history. Docomomo’s vision is to enrich our communities and our culture through the understanding, appreciation, and preservation of modern architecture and design.
Founded in the United States in 1995, Docomomo US is a nonprofit organization led by a national board of directors and staff that represent regional chapters that share its members’ knowledge of and enthusiasm for modern architecture and